Save The Life

Our mission is to preserve classical and modern art and the way of life that goes with it to give our children a better future.

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We are September

Whether school education, classical art, skater lifestyle or the preservation of playgrounds. We want to give our children a future worth living.

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Futures For Childrens

Let's create a future together in which our children can live well and happily.

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Once upon a time

For the preservation of old fairy tales and stories we have made for a church fair in southern Hesse in

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We, the September Foundation, have made it our goal to make the world a better place by connecting the past with the modern, so that old values, art and much more are not lost and can live in harmony with the modern. How many children, for example, still know the stories of the Brothers Grimm today?

Therefore our first project is the distribution of a free and limited fairy tale booklet.

You can order your own copy here. [click]